Month: May 2016

Wandering Wonders

Wandering Wonders

Your mind is so complex, so unique, so intricate, so individual, that of all the 7 billion people on this planet there exists only one you. One you with your likes, dislikes, interests, talents, dreams, hopes and fears.

What a thing to celebrate! And should we not celebrate every single day of our lives? We woke up today! We have been blessed with a brand new day of life. A day full of opportunities and joys and tiny gratitude. Moments of clarity, happiness and surprises. Moments of awareness, a reminder that we are here, and permission to just be. Just be here now and experience this crazy thing called life. Not something to be made complicated, not something to be analysed and figured out. Just a breath of life to be experienced and enjoyed.

We are beautiful, perfect beings. Created by the same consciousness that creates the nature we love to marvel at in absolute awe. The same consciousness which painted that picturesque night sky we gaze at, bewildered by the astounding depth and mystery it holds.

It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, how you contribute to this planet, how you control your emotions. You were given life, a life. The same life every other living being on this planet was given. And in that sense we are all the same. We are all life. We are the universe. I am you and you are me. I am the trees. I am the birds. I am you looking back at me.

This life. This very life that we are experiencing, that we share with this planet, is the most precious and miraculous thing to ever happen. What more a miracle than life itself. And we have the utter most pleasure of experiencing it? Of simply just being?

There is so much beauty in every moment, in every breath. Within you lies a treasure, you are the most phenomenal instrument to be created. You get my drift? You are so beautiful. So lucky. This life is a celebration. Lets start remembering, lets be curious and find amazement in the smallest of things like were children again. Lets create without fear of judgement or mistakes. Lets laugh and love, without fear of rejection, without fear of the unknown.

Do what you love. Really. Because time is so short. We are having this human experience now and there is no time to waste. Please don’t let a catastrophe or a personal disaster or a life threat be what awakes you to the realization that you must live now.

Please do not worry.

Lets live like children and rekindle our complete trust in the world. A wholesome love for life, and anything that brings radiance to our heart. Create something, read a book, watch a movie which makes you feel something, have a deep conversation with someone you love, go outside and star gaze, spend time in nature, do whatever it is that brings light to your life. Do it without apology. Because you deserve it. This is your life and it is your birth right to be your authentic self.

Sometimes we need to be told this, and to remember what is really important. So just for today be mindful of this, and allow yourself to indulge in what ever you please. You have permission. Do it without guilt, without shame, and without a second thought.

Enjoy yourself.

Have a beautiful day.

Time to Pretend

Of letting
My thoughts
Occupy my heart
Without giving them
The attention
That they

Of chasing
Them away without ever
Even asking why they were here
So I could take pen to paper
With hand and

Of missing
The feelings that
They had tried to share
While they squatted
With patience

Of denying
Hungry thoughts
A safe place within
My head to

Of not allowing
My mind to listen when
My heart just needed to speak
This is just the life
Of a Poets