Month: March 2016

Random 2:30 am Thoughts

Here I go again. I am awake at 2 am and I have no idea why I am writing this, like literally not a clue but the world is full of ideas on global climate change, immigration, education, alternative energy,f59f3f841021c1ceecca26521caf4b86 poverty, mankind’s place in the natural order, blah, blah, blah. And Today I feel like writing something rather unusual.

Its a proven fact that chemical pollution harms the physical body, Whether its factory carbon monoxide ,fuel pollution or the chemicals used in our food and drinks. Beside the deadly pollution of substance addictions. But the devastation and harms which come from social pollution are more dangerous. Social pollution  have a greater effect on people’s  lives and our existence.. Social pollution is embodiment of lack of spiritual teaching,lack of faithfulness, morals, family unity and values. They are denying God in their lives. Mainstream media and social media’s pollution is purring more oil into the fire. Liberalism trying to deny us our civil rights and our freedom ,our  free will. They are defending the enemy and upholding failures and ignorance……

Honestly Social Pollution can come from anywhere. Our schools, television shows, friends, and coworkers are all potential sources of bad ideas. I guess most of us already know that….


We can oversimplify our thinking about society in eight general ways. I’ll try to keep this interesting

Nature often gets used as a model for what’s good and bad, what should be done, what shouldn’t be done, or why things are a  certain way. A male homemaker is going against the natural order of things [why is it such a big deal if a guy takes care of his own family]. We should only eat natural things. We shouldn’t be doing this because ….

Science provides a solid, factual foundation for building societies, designing social policies, and for defining how our relationships should work. We try to find moral principles in scientific research, then we try to apply those principles.George Friedman “Auschwitz was a rational place, but it was not a reasonable place.”

Biology/Genetics – No, they are not the same as Science, or even pretty much the same. We think that everything in human behavior boils down to biology or genetics. EVERYTHING we do is really aimed at reproducing successfully (I have lived long enough to know that). Revolutions start because males want access to the resources they need to attract females. John Lennon started a band because he wanted the same (I have realized every time I write an article I make a reference to something really popular, such a cliche)

Religion often introduces bias into our thinking about society. God decides who is rich and who is poor. Life is a veil of tears. My set of religious principles should govern society. My interpretation of Christianity/Judaism/Islam should guide society and screw you if you disagree.

Morality often leads us astray. This is really the same problem as we get with religion. A grandiose vision of how society could work biases our thinking. we may insist on rigidly enforcing a moral code without regard to the suffering the code causes.

Economic thinking pollutes our minds in many ways. We think everything comes down to money. Some sociologists assert that the society’s economic system determines all other aspects of that society.

Individualism gets us into big trouble sometimes. We think that people do what they want to do. We think of our own little selves as the most important thing in society, so we have no need to be concerned about anything else.

PS: I normally don’t post these thoughts because I find them socially incorrect but I AM REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE. so this is posted to ignite that REBEL with in me 😀

Letter to My Best Friend, My Partner In Crime

I wanted to do something a little different…

The past couple months have been very stressful for me and it has made me think about what I am truly thankful for in life.

Obviously, there is SO much that I am thankful for and SO many people who have blessed my life in ways they cannot imagine, but there is one particular person that I believe deserves to know just how much he means to me because I do not tell him enough.

So This is a shout out to him…. Also because I have been a total d*** for a while. But you know the reason…

Dear Best friend,

I have written 100 pieces like these and flattered you many times, but this is different. You must know that I love you with every fiber in my body. It’s not every day that you make best friends for life and it’s definitely isn’t every day when you meet someone like you. I am just very glad to have met you. I can this about all the ups and downs, and how we met and how crazy we are, but, I am sorry happiness, this is going to be serious.

So, I’ve been screwing up a lot lately, and you’ve always been around. And if we go our way, I don’t know how I will manage it anyway. In my living hell, I’ve in a small way hurt you; Made you doubt our legitimacy, and that by far it is my biggest mistake. I know, I don’t make you feel or show you what you mean to me all the time, but you know, I am wired that way. I’ve made this mistake with a million people, not showing them what they really really mean to me. I’ve lost a lot of people to ‘They loving me’ and ‘Me not loving them back equally’. Know that, I am trying to change. And I will start with you. You mean world to me, and you will always remain my best friend. So, next time I make a mistake and you feel like I have ‘multiple’ best friends(the other two are very important to me… but we have a Bro Code man), please read this. I am writing this in blood.

So, I’ve been thinking about how much life is going to change over the next six months. It actually scares me very very much. I always thought I was ready to leave this place and go out all alone and make my mark on this world, but, I am not so sure anymore. For one, I don’t know if I can and secondly, I don’t think I can be okay alone. And then it struck me that we will both be in two new cities (JUST DEAL WITH ALREADY…). And I don’t know which cities they are. I wish there was a way to know if it were Manchester, Birmingham, Perth, Texas or some god forbidden place, so I could plan and procrastinate like I always do, but… Its dark, its blank. I am just so scared that you won’t live 127 steps away from my house.

In a year, weekends may not have you in them. In a year, selfies will change to Skype Calls. In a year, we may not exchange clothes we don’t have. In a year, you may not know who I am dating and whether it is hurting. In a year, we may start topping or failing classes but won’t be able to complain ‘Padhai nahi Hori yaar’. In a year, we may not always pick up calls. In a year, we may earn all the money we ever wanted but, may not spend it on each other. In a year, we may not meet at the compound. In a year, all of this may happen.

I need us to make a promise, that no matter what happens we will stick around forever. Because I got a feeling we have completed those 7 years of friendship psychologists talk about. Promise me that you’ll get into a great college and be the best at whatever the hell you want to do. I promise you I will do all the right things, be the best journalist alive (No, NOT GEO TV). Promise me that we’ll make the right decisions and always keep our family close. Just promise me that you’ll take care of yourself when I am not around.
I will write a letter like this for every important moment in our lives.
First graduation, first job, first salary, Wedding, first kid…. eleventh kid, 75th Birthday.

Always Your Best Friend…. ❤ 😀

To The Haters and Bullies

Growing up I had a pretty strong sense of individuality, my own thoughts, choices and opinions on life (I am still growing up but you know what I mean..). I was pretty smart and wise, always, because of the way my parents brought me up. I loved to laugh, dance and have fun in all kinds of quirky ways.

I’d had a rough childhood all in all because of how things were going in my family – not great, but whose family is great?… however, I was always positive and submerged in my own world of thoughts, feelings and interesting things that I wanted to do. I was pretty introverted (I still am but in a different way) . I was polite, but private and always immersed in my world of books and stories that have kick-started my imagination into becoming and evolving into what it is now. I’m proud to say I grew up on books. I developed and still have that mentality of expecting the best in people all in all, because sometimes I can get the version where the person doesn’t understand me at all, but most times I get to experience the best in people… because I believe in them. That’s how I roll.

Everything with my school life was great until the Sophomore year, I was hanging out with everyone. I wasn’t labelled as anything because I tried ensuring that I was neither this kind of kid nor that kind, I was on everyone’s good books, I was pretty likable, I guess … And then came  Junior year (aka. The worst year of my high school existence) and lets be honest I am not sure where it wrong for me because I am sure I must have done something to deserve whatever it is that I got.

The only thing I truly dared not to be back then was being different, but I was.  Not because I was trying, but because I was. I believed that it was polite to let me be myself and do my own thing as long as I don’t do anything bad. But society wanted me boxed in with the rest, so I grew to hate school really quickly. Growing up in my family, I quickly developed a lack of respect for lying, corruption. In my school… Bullying wasn’t taking as an actual issue, It was just “Teens being Teens” or in the words of some people “Me being a P****”…I quickly lost all respect for school moreover for the entire education system.

I am writing this today, to say thank you. Yes, thank you to all my bullies and haters. I am actually writing this utmost sincerity and there is not a bit of hate in my heart as I write this because you guys unintentionally made me a better person and yeah sure I could’ve written it years from now but whats the point by then I am sure we wouldn’t be in contact. But It would be pretty useless and  this would’ve lost its purpose.

I really must start with this one thing: they did not get to the core of me. Even after an entire year of being verbally and mental abuse, I never actually changed inside as individual with a personality, as a good person with a good heart and good intentions. This is very important, because then all else that came then could only strengthen me.

Here is a basic list of things I am thanking my bullies and haters for:

FOR saying I couldn’t do things, or stop believing because that stuff doesn’t happen to people like you. For saying NO right from the very beginning.

BECAUSE when it was really important for me to do, I never really bought that. My books had taught me that anyone could make a positive change in their lives, and that the respective change could be huge but still not impossible. I became very curious and immersed myself in it and ended up excelling at it. That’s how I developed a can do attitude and that’s how I found out that the best way to do something hard/seemingly impossible is to start doing it anyway. All I knew was that I ALWAYS wanted to stay true to who I was, to my heart. And I ALWAYS have. and I ALWAYS will 🙂

Thank you!

FOR putting me down because I was ‘less’.

BECAUSE that was a very new feeling for me and all it could do was to make me feel bad about my appearance. I’ve been in trouble with that but it overall made me adopt a much healthier lifestyle than many. Working on it, but, you know what? I’m not that kid anymore, and I’m being told that I look great, so I’ve decided to finally embrace it and let it flow. Makes me feel inexplicably good to be liked and preferred for who I am. Love it. In any other ways, they never really could make me feel like less, because, for anything else, I’ve been aware of my strengths and being my parents’ son I can say that’s worked for me very well, genes, determination and brain-wise.

FOR telling me to go die, because I was ‘worthless’. Even after I helped them out at school without asking for anything in return.

BECAUSE I have chosen to stay a good person anyway. I didn’t end up dying, instead ended up appreciating life so much more . I swore to myself to make every second count… I guess that was a thing back then I didn’t appreciate as much….

FOR showing me how shallow friendships can be.

BECAUSE I’ve learned that a few really amazing friends matter more than 50 crappy ones and I’ve learned to understand the ‘subtle’ differences and make my choice and have not regretted it on the way, not even once. Also it taught me to source my strength from my background, who I am, internally. Also, to love and appreciate the people that are there for me no matter what, especially if they’re not family, because they don’t have to. And I love and celebrate them every day, protect and care about them deeply.

FOR doing it all no matter what I did to change their opinion.

BECAUSE I understood right away that I couldn’t, and stopped. I started focusing on people that matter, things that matter, experiences that matter. I understood that all I was was different and that a really good start would be to cut them out of my life. Them and all of the following selfish, rude and negative people that have flown through my life so far.

FOR never giving me the chance to explain.

BECAUSE I understood that explanations were useless unless people wanted to listen. That, if I really cared about a cause, I’d have to make them listen. But, at the end of the day, personal motivation comes from personal challenges, so it gave me really good insight on life real life.

FOR rejecting me, overall.

BECAUSE that taught me not to abide by the way society works, or thinks we should all be boxed up.. I guess that’s why I am as rebellious as I am today (I still blame John Bender and Jim Stark for that but whatever). I worked out for me though in a better way.

FOR doing it at all.

BECAUSE I learned that in my life I would never accept to be treated like that ever again, and I honestly regret not opening my crappy mouth back then but that’s only led to becoming more wise and to making all the right decisions so far.

FOR, overall, making it official that I was not one of them and never would be.

BECAUSE you know what? More than anything I was so happy I wasn’t one of them, for a while I wished that I was more like them and maybe I would be accepted by them or I should be “cooler” but almost 2 years on from that experience, I am so proud of myself that I didn’t get in that circle of manipulative people who lacked any sense of individuality and had there life’s harbored on hate towards weak.

I had started writing this a very long time but had to finish it and because I have been listening to too much of EMINEM, NIRVANA and they were musically begging me to get this out of my system. I feel free, which is a privilege to say the least. To Every kid out there PLEASE STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF … Its essence of life.. 😀


Words are Forever

See that girl,
The one with the smile?
Do you know she’s been hurting for a while?

See that boy,
‘Yeah, he’s so cool!’
Is that how he appears to be at school?

See that girl,
With that group alongside?
Do you know she considered suicide?

See that boy,
He seems so alive!
But everyday he struggles to survive.

See those people
All victims of hate.
Watch your words, before it’s too late.