Month: December 2014

The Angel Spirit

She woke up. Her heart weeping. He had given her so much pleasure with his words of love and devotion. He had spent hours with her speaking to her with such trusting softness that slowly melted her heart enough to let him slide into it. She was caressed by his warmth and love for her and she needed him now like a drug to keep her going. To keep her at the constant high she felt while he could be with her. To have his words whether written or spoken it did not matter. She had never experienced anything like him before. It was magical, wonderful, and incredible the way he made her feel. She could sense his presence with her even though he was so many miles, physically away from her. The things he did to her were other wordily. She could feel the intensity of love and desire he held for her in his heart. And yet, she realized how quickly it could be taken away from her. In an instant if he so chose to. And suddenly she could not breathe from the fear of it. Her eyes watering large droplets of rain, her heart wrenching in pain at the mere thought of his parting from her. And somehow it was the most painful thing she had ever experienced. She had to do something to make him realize how strong her love was for him. That even though they had never even touched physically, he was wrapped around the bands of her heart and soul as if they had always been intertwined this way. She had to go to him. And the only way she could do that now, was to let her soul seek to find him. She had to let her spirit rise away from her to be with him. She knew how dangerous this was for her. She would not have much time. But she had to do it. She forced her spirit away as she drifted into a deep sleep from which she may never return. Her beautiful spirit rose away from her in a mist of white and as fast as she could she flew to him. His heart was a beacon of light for her and it drew her to him. She was there now with him. Floating gazing down at his beautiful face. She moved closer to him and she could hear his smooth rhythmic breathing. She could see his heart beating so gently. So slowly she laid down beside him so not to disturb his peaceful slumber. She nestled against him and wrapping her misty glow around him, blanketing him with her love. She pressed her lips against his cheek and with her soft hand she smoothed the doubt and worry from his brow. His skin so warm and smooth against her. But she had to hurry she was losing time. She leaned in and gently pressed her mouth against his ear. She told him in such a gentle whisper that was sure to reach his heart, she uttered her words of love for him telling him in her soft ethereal voice how much she loved him and needed him and needed to be by his side for eternity. And that she could never let him go. That the universe had already decided their fate and there was no undoing what had begun. And her voice and words coursed through his veins, and wrapped themselves around his heart. And even in sleep he spoke her name, and love for her over and over. And she was filled by the pleasure of it. Her spirit glowing brightly beside him as if she were a star pulled from the night sky nestled against him. And she breathed in his warmth and love and gave it right back to him as only her spirit was allowed. She held onto him so gently a misty white blanket of pure love. And ever so slowly she pulled away to go back to her body which needed her to survive. But now having been here and seeing him and holding him and their love for each other coursing through each other, tearing herself away from him was a torture she had never experienced, but she must or she would lose him forever by her death. And that was the only sure thing she knew in that instance. That that would truly be the only way they would part. She was his from now until death did part them. She caressed his cheek, and kissed his sleepy eyelids so gently, and kissed his lips which uttered the softest moan and he whispered her name and she knew then that he understood how much she loved him. And her spirit soared with the joy of it. And she knew she could safely return to herself and be whole again filled with his love for her. And now her tears were beautiful drops of dew that glistened on his skin filled with her love for him to nourish him and for him to feel her presence and love till she could return to him whole. And ever so slowly her spirit lifted away and hung in the air all around him so he could breathe in her essence for always. And she drifted melted away back to her waiting body. His warmth still nestled inside her and she climbed back into herself and her body shuddered and breathed in everything that he was. And she slept more peacefully than she had since she was a small child. Her spirit finally at peace, knowing she had done all she could to proclaim her love for him. And even though once again they were so far apart, there was a strand of light and love that ran between them that could never be broken.

PS: 2nd Part of The Quest 😀

The Quest

She found herself on a lush green hillside. She had been walking for some time. The weight of her long dress was becoming more apparent as the dew had begun to soak up the hem, leaving a dampness that now almost reached her knees. She was climbing to the top of the hill to see what lay beyond. She was in unfamiliar territory and her excitement of what lay ahead was a grand motivation. She was only a few feet away from reaching the lofty position when she heard something behind her. He was an unusual creature, but not frightening in any way and somehow he seemed familiar. He was childlike in his demeanour and seemed constructed of the earth itself. He wasn’t clothed person but wrapped in nature that suited him quite nicely. His eyes were large dark pools glistening with approval at finding her here, as if he knew she was coming. He did not speak, just came up beside her and slipped his left hand into her right. She felt a soft pulse against her hand and pulled away so she could see his hand which was covered in silky vines and soft flowers clutching a heart in the centre of his palm. There it beat gently between them as he held her hand in his. He gazed at her steadily and then in a beseeching gesture they looked over the top of the hillside to what lay beyond. The opposite side was filled with countless pathways leading off in every direction, she was suddenly overwhelmed by it all. Tiny rivers ran here and there. Large dark luminous mountains cropped up on the horizon. A foreboding forest lay ahead and wild-flowers were strewn along the hillside gently dancing in the breeze, the colours, textures and sun casting long shadows down the hillside was breathtaking, and yet she found herself almost heartbroken by so much beauty. she realized he was looking at her intently and without speaking a word he asked her what she longed for and she felt the word happiness swirl all around inside her. He smiled the most magnificent smile she had ever seen, he held her hand a little tighter, his heart beating between their palms. His new found excitement at her request sent shivers through her and the next moment he was leading her down the other side. They seemed to be gliding, just barely touching the ground beneath their feet as they made their way through the bountiful flowers their sweet scent permeating all around them. She could not take her eyes away from him as he steered them along invisible paths that just seemed to appear as they went. Sometimes she wondered if he was real as his body seemed to shift with the colors all around them, the only thing she was certain of was the steady beating of his heart that was clutched between them creating a protective barrier that let her know she could trust in him. they had reached the edge of the woods. A brook ran steadily through the tall trees the ground was a carpet of pine needles and soft mosses covered in tiny white flowers that grew along the embankment as far as could be seen. He stopped to look at her and said without uttering a word happiness. She nodded yes, and his heartbeat quickened, he embraced her with his eyes which had become bright shining orbs. He led her on into the forest following the brook that meandered so softly through the trees. They had gone quite a long distance when she realized her feet were getting wet. The brook had become a river and they were now walking through low green rushes of grass filling with the cool clear water but with each step became beautiful ripples of evanescence light dancing around their feet which made her smile at a childhood memory suddenly brought back. He turned to look at her and told her the only way he could that he knew, and her smile created a heart pounding memory between them. She could hear the sound of water running faster and harder not too far ahead and she could sense his eagerness to move on…they had not gone far where the whole river now flowed over the edge of a waterfall. Large rocks jutted out above the water where they could pass on the very edge of the falls he started to take her across and she hesitated in fear of the water rushing all around them certain she would plummet over the edge, her long skirt being dragged in the current as it rushed around them. But his gaze was firm and steady as he held her hand and over and over with every step and every beat inside her hand the word trust was echoing all around her. Somehow they had made it halfway across and the water seemed calmer here. He looked intently at her and he wanted her to follow his gaze now that they had stopped here for what she supposed was rest, with his right hand he directed her to gaze over the edge. his arm long slender and covered in what could only be described as magic, which she dutifully followed just because of the sheer beauty of everything he was condensed into the shape of a man…she looked over the edge into a deep beautiful pool glistening and shimmering as if the stars had fallen from heaven itself and they had landed here. She looked at him incredulously never had she seen so many beautiful things and she realized tears were glowing on her cheeks. He looked at her with so much love and with his free hand he gently wiped them away…she could not tear her eyes away from his face. She simply whispered, what is that? he looked at her and smiled that same incredible smile that suddenly filled her with calm, warmth, and the will to believe everything…that, he said with his eyes, pulling her closer to him…is the Pool of Euphoria and without a moment of hesitation he dove in taking her with him…
PS: This was my second attempt at writing so spare me if you didn’t like it 😀

The Ultimate Conclusion

We are the seekers and the transformed achievers…
Among the one who learned a lot but too lost, as a giver…
The energy flows out, leaving an aura…
Affecting the visited space of time…

Feels like the journey would end…
When we would not realize and care…
Setting foot into the reality of perceived eco-system…
Would be a difficult task to acheive…

Although the altered world looks animated enough….
But one feels embraced, when he understands the relation…

Join the soul and start the trip…
As the time is playing its game of sarcastic illusion…
We will get lost in the horizon…
If we try to jump to the ultimate conclusion….